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Alumni Network

The HarperCollins Author Academy Alumni Network
is a community for underrepresented authors to continue the conversation, create critique circles, and meet industry professionals after completing the course.

Rose Sandy

The founder of the Academy is an accomplished publisher at HarperCollins and with experience at major companies like Sony, Coca-Cola, and Cisco Systems, Rose recognised a need for more ‘richness in difference’ in publishing.
In just three years, over 250 people graduated from the academy, with many securing book deals, agents, and awards for their work.
The academy’s success stems from Rose’s vision and dedication.
As she says:
“Stories and inspiration belong to all of us and we can only change publishing one book, one author, one bookseller, one editor or book illustrator at a time.”

Spring 2022

See our Alumni

Autumn 2022

See our Alumni

Spring 2021

See our Alumni

Autumn 2021

See our Alumni

Spring 2022

See our Alumni